Access for Windows Message CWBSY0002 Using Windows User Name and Password

Access for Windows Message CWBSY0002 Using Windows User Name and Password 

The Access for Windows connection fails with the following message: CWBSY0002 - The password is not correct for the specified user ID. This occurs when the Use Windows user name and password, no prompting sign-on information option is selected for the connection.

The Windows registry entry calling the Access for Windows service program that queries Windows for the sign-on information was not registered in the correct area of the registry during the Access for Windows install process. Perhaps the install was not ran with full, elevated, Administrator authority, or there were other security restrictions in place that prevented that update to the Windows registry to take place.

Re-installing the Access for Windows client with appropriate authorities and no restrictions would be recommended

It is also possible to manually add the specific registry key String Value called Client Access Service to the correct area of the registry, calling the Access for Windows service program.

On Windows 32-bit Operating Systems:

Creat the Client Access Service registry key in the \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run registry path,
calling C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\cwbsvstr.exe

On Windows 64-bit Operating Systems:

Creat the Client Access Service registry key in the \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Runregistry path,
calling C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Client Access\cwbsvstr.exe

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