How do I log time for an Opportunity?

How do I log time for an Opportunity?

Logging Mass Time
The ability to log mass time within the Opportunities makes it easy to log time for multiple Volunteers within the selected Opportunity. Logging mass time is only available to Opportunities that are expired.
1) Search for an Opportunity you would like to Log time for.

2) Click on the Opportunity name.
3) Once you click on the Opportunity, it will bring you to the Opportunity information. From this screen, scroll down to the section labeled, “Volunteers for this Opportunity”.
4) At this screen you can now select Volunteer(s) to log time for. To select Volunteer(s), click on the box on the far right under “Select” to check the box.
5) Once you’ve selected the Volunteer(s) to log time for, click the “Log Hours for Selected” button.
6) A confirmation window will pop up and you will select “Yes” to continue or “No” to go back to the Opportunity window.
Once you have logged their time, you can go back to the Opportunity screen and it will show “Logged” under the option to select Volunteers.