How do I submit a Work Order?

How do I submit a Work Order?

To submit a work order, follow these steps:

  • Click on "New Work Order" from the top of your screen or from the left side bar to start your work order request.

  • Choose a “Location” from drop down tab to choose the building/location that the work order will be occurring in.

NOTE: If you have requested to display your spaces on the work order request form, once you select your location, your spaces will then display so that you can select the space the work order is associated with.

  • Choose a "Service Category" as it relates to your work order.
  • Choose a "Priority" as it relates to the urgency of the work order. Your organization may want to establish a set of guidelines to help ascertain what the best option is for your work order. The default options are: Urgent, High, Medium, and Low. 

NOTE: An Admin can add additional priorities, color code them and/or edit the default priorities.

  • Description - Explain the issue and give as many details as you can pertaining to the issue.
  • Due Date - Give an estimated date that the work needs to be completed by. This can be adjusted, as needed.
  • Attachments - There is the option to attach a file to your work order. A couple of good use cases for this would be a photo of the issue, a room set-up diagram, manual, etc.
  • Once you are finished with entering this information, click SAVE. 

You have now successfully submitted a work order!

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