Seeing your list of approved volunteers

Seeing your list of approved volunteers

As a designated Volunteer Coordinator, you can easily see the list of approved volunteers.  Note, If the administrator in your organization just added you as a coordinator for your location, you may not see your list of volunteers until the next day. This occurs because there is an agent that runs over night that will add you to the correct location which allows you to see the approved volunteers. 

To view the Volunteers,
1) Click on the Volunteers tab.
The Approved Volunteer menu option shows only Approved Volunteers and is the appropriate place to do most of your work when sending emails to Volunteers.
The list of all approved volunteers at your designated locations will show below.

Filtering/Searching for Volunteers

To use the filtering and search capabilities, make your selections on the filters and search box and click on the Filter/Search Volunteers button.  Use the Clear/Reset button to clear the filters and see all volunteers that you have access to.  You can select multiple filter / search combinations at one time.
Note:  The number of volunteers that match the search criteria is listed under the filter icon.

Location Filter

The location filter will ONLY show locations that you have access to.  
1) Click the arrow on the dropdown box and select a location.
2) You may now click the “Filter/Search Volunteers” button to search only by location or continue to fill in other search filters.
If there is no specific location selected in the dropdown box, you will see Volunteers for ALL sites you have access to.

Activity Filter

The Activity filter will allow you to filter based on the activities the Volunteer has selected in their profile.
1) Click the arrow on the dropdown box and select an Activity.
2) You may now click the “Filter/Search Volunteers” button to search only by activity or continue to fill in other search filters.

Search by Last Name

1) Enter all or part of the Volunteer’s last name in the “Last Name” search box.
2) You may now press the enter key or click the “Filter/Search Volunteers” button to search only by last name or continue to fill in other search filters.

Search by Email

The Email box will allow you to search for Volunteers by their email address.
1) Enter all or part of the email address associated with the Volunteer.
2) You may now press the enter key or click the “Filter/Search Volunteers” button to search only by email or continue to fill in other search filters.

Search Word or Phrase

The “Search Word or Phrase” filter will let you search for any word that is located within the Volunteers application. This can be used in combination with the filters.
Suggestions for searching:
Search for Volunteers affiliated with an organization (Example: United Way)
Search for Volunteers with certain language skills (Example: Spanish)
Search for Volunteers based on a phone number or city
ANYTHING that is listed in the volunteer application can be searched for!